Green light for Buckinghamshire’s transport blueprint

A vision for the future of transport in Buckinghamshire won the full approval of county councillors today (Thursday April 28).

The Local Transport Plan – a blueprint for travel covering all types of transport – looks ahead to 2036 to make sure the county has good roads, public transport, cycleways and footpaths.

The plan, in the making for the past year, has been drafted with the help of residents and businesses through two public consultations.

Its overallaims areto:
• Encourage links to local, national and international destinations that promote a flourishing economy.
• Empower communities to support their own local transport solutions.
• Enable and promote travel choices that improve people’s health.

?While it is a statutory document, Transport Cabinet Member Mark Shaw told councillors, it wasa golden opportunity to create a joined-up strategy for transport acrossthe county in which the economy and population are growing.

‘Good transport systems are essential to help the residents and businesses of our county thrive and grow,’ he said. ‘In the Local Transport Plan we’ve got a living document that will not onlysupport growth,but will alsobe a vital tool to help our four local planning authorities formulate their Local Plans.’

Mark said that ina growing county with a huge opportunity for developing a good transport infrastructure, the challenge would be to make the most of decreasing funding.

‘I believe it’s essential to work in a joined-up and innovative way with central government, the district councils, communities and businesses, to get the best results with the available resources,’ he said. ‘That’s what this Plan helps us to do.’

County Council Leader Martin Tett said:’This Plan is very clear about maintaining and enhancing our county’s special environment, and helping residents and businesses thrive and develop to become one of the strongest and most productive economies in the country.

‘It will play a key part in accessing funding,making sure new developments work for Buckinghamshire, and shaping the way we work to improve transport.’

A copy of the Local Transport Plan is online: