Heart-warming community focus in the daily council video update
A heart-warming story about how the community is rallying support during the coronavirus emergency is highlighted in today’s (Friday) daily video update (Vlog) from Buckinghamshire Council Leader Martin Tett.
Joining Martin is Arif Hussain, local councillor for Terriers and Amersham Hill, who talks about the Five Pillars Charity in High Wycombe, with which he’s involved, and its response to help the community through the Covid-19 crisis.
Arif tells how friends, family and members of the community have worked together to help the charity deliver food parcels, collect prescriptions and distribute hot meals, liaising with the Council’s High Wycombe Community Hub.
“It’s been a tremendous experience to be able to work with so many dedicated individuals who have shown commitment and enthusiasm to help our most needy people,” says Arif. “These guys are the true community champions.”
Today’s Vlog can be found at: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/coronavirus/video-updates/
The daily Vlog, supporting the message #ProudofBucks, also provides an opportunity for people to ask questions via social media on how the council is fighting Coronavirus locally, what residents can do to stay safe, and how they can get involved in helping others – using the #askBucksCouncil Twitter hashtag.
Vlogs will also be shared daily on the council’s social media channels.
Daily updates about all council services can be found on the website at: https://www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/community-and-safety/changes-to-our-services-due-coronavirus/