Help Buckinghamshire County Council improve support for victims of domestic abuse and violence

One woman in four experiences domestic violence in her lifetime. Can you help?

Buckinghamshire County Council are assessing the support to residents experiencing domestic violence and need your views to help improve the services on offer.

Domestic violence abuse (DVA) blights the lives of many of our residents, it is one of the highest areas of demand on Thames Valley Police and constitutes a significant proportion of BCC’s core business, affecting children services as well as adult social care costs.

Gareth Williams, Cabinet Member for Community Engagement & Public Health for Buckinghamshire County Council, said:  “We want everyone in Buckinghamshire to live their lives free from domestic abuse. To do this we are working with other agencies like Thames Valley Police, Womens Aid and Rape Crisis on four key areas; prevention, support, protection and recover.”

The information gathered from people who have used DVA services will help us to understand what is working well and which areas need improvement. As well as this survey we will be conducting focus groups and speaking to professionals that use our service to build a better picture of the support residents are getting across the county.

“That’s why it’s so important to have the views of residents that have both experienced DVA –  and those that have used our services to support a friend or family member. The statistics mean that you probably know someone that has been through this, so please take five  minutes to do our survey today”.

The survey is open now and can be accessed here