Help Us Shape a New Design Code for Buckinghamshire

Shape Buckinghamshire’s streets, buildings and public spaces of the future.

We are working to create a Design Code for Buckinghamshire. This is a set of rules and design principles for buildings, streets and public spaces which developers will need to follow. We need your input to help us to create the design code, which will contain design rules for:

  • Street design
  • Walking and cycling
  • Green spaces and trees
  • Spaces for water and nature
  • Cycle storage
  • Storage for waste and recycling containers
  • E-car and e-cycle charging
  • Car parking
  • Safe streets and public spaces

Once we’ve completed the Buckinghamshire Design Code we will test it before we conduct a formal public consultation. We will then consider formally adopting the Design Code as the official guidelines we will use to help us determine planning applications.

It’s quick and simple to get involved. Please visit and follow these three steps:

Find your local area on our interactive map. Zoom into the street, public space or building you want to talk about, or key in the postcode in the search box. Then click +Tag and follow the instructions on the screen to add your idea, comment or suggestion.

Tell us what you think by typing a few words. We’re interested to know:

  • Is this a good place for children to live?
  • Are there enough places for children to play in this area?
  • Could I get around easily in a wheelchair?
  • What obstacles are there if you were pushing a pushchair?
  • Is it easy to cross the street?
  • Are there enough trees?
  • Do children have a safe walking route to school?
  • Are there obstacles for people who are walking and cycling such as missing pavements?
  • How could new developments in this place be better in the future?

You can also upload a photo directly from your smartphone or computer (optional).

The Home of 2050
We would also like to know how you think the Home of 2050 could respond to changing lifestyles and climate change. You can find some ideas and share your thoughts online on the Home of 2050 page (

Thank you for taking part in this important work for shaping the new Design Code for Buckinghamshire.