Household waste collection services fully back up and running says Council

Bill Chapple OBE, Buckinghamshire Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change

Waste collection services from outside people’s homes are now all back up and running across Buckinghamshire for the first time since the coronavirus outbreak.

The final area affected, the picking up of small amounts of extra recycling put out alongside recycling bins across Aylesbury Vale, restarts from today (8th June) and means the full reinstatement of services is now complete.

This covers:

  • Refuse bin collections
  • Recycling bin collections
  • Food waste
  • Bulky waste collections
  • Green waste collections
  • Bin deliveries

A tremendous amount of planning and reorganisation has taken place to reinstate services during a very challenging period. The Council is also working through a backlog of requests so some services, such as bin deliveries, may take a little longer than usual.

With people spending more time at home, higher levels of waste and recycling continue to be produced. As a result, crews are doing their very best to collect much more than usual. To help, crews will do their best to collect small amounts of extra recycling like a few empty cardboard boxes. The council says residents can really help by flattening, folding and neatly presenting any extra recycling by the side of their bins. Unfortunately side waste can’t be accepted alongside refuse bins but this has always been the case.

And Buckinghamshire Council Cabinet Member for Environment and Climate Change, Bill Chapple OBE was full of praise for the efforts being made.

“Never before have we faced such disruption to our waste collection services, but I am delighted everything is now back on stream. Crews have been extremely stretched as amounts have increased by over 25%. To put that in context, that’s like coping with the same increase in refuse we would normally see over a Christmas week, but every week for the last 4-5 weeks.”

“As well as being grateful to our hard working crews for operating under extremely difficult circumstances, can I also thank residents who have helped out by being patient and understanding. I know many have stored non-essential waste where possible or have tried composting or reusing items – believe me, it’s all helped.

“Now that all waste collection services are operational, I hope this will take the pressure off the need to visit one of our household waste sites as they are all still very busy at the moment.”

Bill added, “I know with so many people doing online shopping, the amount of cardboard being put out has increased. If you can’t fit it all in your recycling bin, small amounts can be put out alongside and the crews will do their very best to collect that too.

“Can I also pass on the crews’ appreciation for all the compliments, thank you notes and well wishes residents have passed on to them during these challenging times. These have been well received and have been a great source of motivation for all those on the front line.”

For more information on waste services, please visit