HS2 Works Notification : Updates – Aylesbury and Wendover
We’re writing to let you know about some planned works that we will be carrying out in your area.
Princes Risborough to Aylesbury railway update
Commencing Monday 18 April 2022, further bored piling for the pillars/piers of the bridge will start, we will also be replacing bentonite in our silos overnight. We will be using localised acoustic screening around the plant to mitigate any noise during works taking place overnight.
We will be carrying out bored piling from Tuesday, 19 April until the middle of May 2022. These works will take place 24-hours a day. Piling will take place outside of our core working hours but will not take place overnight. Overnight works will only include the replenishment of bentonite into our silos. We will also be carrying out sheet piling from Tuesday, 19 April until the middle of May 2022. Works will take place 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.
From the middle of April, we will also be carrying out sheet piling throughout the day for the Princes Risborough to Aylesbury railway underpass, near the Hawkslade Estate. These works are expected to take approximately one month.
Please see details of the works here:
Overnight road closures update, A413 London Road
Recent CCTV drainage works uncovered a blockage in the local drain network, along the A413. We will be clearing this in the middle April and these works may be noisy. Once the blockage has been cleared, we will undertake further CCTV works to ensure there are no further issues. This work will improve the drainage in the local area. These works from Tuesday 12 April to Friday 15 April 2022, between 8pm and 6am.
The A413 London Road will be closed overnight for the installation of the conveyor bridge between 8pm and 6am from Tuesday 3 May to Thursday 5 May 2022, between 8pm and 6am
We will have team members, large construction machinery and cranes on the A413 carriageway which is why this installation will require a full closure.
Please see details of the works here:
For more information about HS2:
- Visit your local community webpages to find information about HS2 works, developments and opportunities in your area.
- Use our In your area map to search current and planned HS2 works and developments in your area.
If you have a question about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk.