HS2 Works Update: Great Missenden, Link Road works

(Posted on HS2 in Bucks & Oxfordshire Commonplace website Oct 27th 2019 by HS2 in Bucks and Oxfordshire)

Following local feedback, we’ve discussed the Great Missenden Link Road works with Buckinghamshire County Council and we’ve agreed to postpone the Link Road works until early 2020. This will allow us to redesign the works to reduce the loss of trees on Link Road from eight trees to one. We will also continue to review the affected tree as our design progresses.

Meanwhile, we will continue our works to widen the Frith Hill junction onto the A413, which will require the overnight closures as set out in our notification.

We will also have traffic management in place for works on the roundabout where our haul road meets the A413 to install raised curbs and traffic bollards. This will help to improve the safety of the junction which is in close proximity to the children’s playground. We will also carry out some work on the bell mouth of the haul road.

There will be no tree felling for our works on Frith Hill and the A413 roundabout.

Once we have an updated the design for Link Road we will let you know ahead of any works starting.

If you have any questions about HS2 or our works, please contact our HS2 Helpdesk team on 08081 434 434 or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk.