Interested in how Halton will be developed when the RAF leave? Could you help?
Interested in how Halton will be developed when the RAF leave? Could you help?
As we mentioned in the November edition of Wendover News, a group of local people have created The Halton Development Community Interest Company (HDCIC) to help shape and set the agenda for how Halton is developed. That’s because plans are being made and agreed now by AVDC, Bucks CC and the RAF representatives. To influence these plans and take more control over the development at Halton, HDCIC needs your help to create a vision for Halton, and to implement it alongside the local authorities, developers and business that will be involved.
For those that didn’t see the November article, a CIC is for the benefit of the local community, like a social enterprise, and all its profits (if there are any) go back into its local community objective.
Halton is too special a place, with history, beauty and fantastic existing facilities to allow it to be treated as just another development plot. But we also know that housing is big on the government’s agenda and that positive change should be embraced.
The Halton of the future can be a vibrant community in its own right rather than an annex to surrounding towns. It should be designed to consider the environment and the natural surroundings, the needs of existing and future residents, how to attract business and enterprise, and to utilise and celebrate its existing facilities and deep-rooted heritage.
The directors of HDCIC have a wide range of experience in global corporations, local community and large-scale projects, local and national government, as well as architecture and planning. We are in this to make a difference locally.
It is by no means an exclusive club, however, and we need input, skills and knowledge from all local people to help create a vision and build it! The key character of the CIC is that it is open to all. It is forward thinking, inclusive and transparent.
We have already engaged with local, county, district and national government, with the RAF and the Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), with some local societies and clubs, and this engagement has been positive.
Now that the New Year is upon us, we are keen to start communicating our current thinking, share our ideas and gain support from everyone. If you are in a club, society or group, we will speak to your members. If you want to join in, either through giving us time, expertise or simply to say you support us, then please do.
Our newly launched website, which gives more information, provides contact details and invites you to join in is:
So please take a look and get involved. Thank you.