It’s time for Bucks Art Society’s Annual Autumn exhibition

The Best of Buckinghamshire’s Artists are coming to Buckingham to hold their annual Autumn exhibition in October.

The 2019 Autumn Exhibition at the Buckingham Community Centre, Cornwalls Meadow, Buckingham MK18 1RP, will take place this year between Saturday 26th – Sunday 27th October 2019

Open 10am – 6pm on Saturday and 10am – 4pm on Sunday.

The exhibition will feature work from BAS members as well as work from local schools as part of the Young Artists’ Award, a county wide initiative supported by the Society to promote art in schools.

Last year’s winners were: – 1st Prize went to Rosie Wood of Royal Latin School. 2nd Prize and the Selina di Girolamo Award (awarded by Romeo) went to Adam Pickard of Misbourne School. And 3rd Prize went to Matt Empringham of John Hampden Grammar

Rosie Wood’s winning picture

The Young Artists’ Awards Reception this year will be held on Saturday 26th October between 1pm – 3pm with the presentations at 1.30pm, drinks and snacks will be available from 12 – 2pm. The awards will be presented by Cav. Romeo di Girolamo.

Our featured artist is Graham Lester

Graham has worked with paper as a medium for many years and has been commissioned to produce paper sculptures for various promotions. He now focuses on using the medium to express his own creative ideas, and likes the clear crisp graphic effect that can be achieved with paper.

Graham also produces turned art using a variety of recycled materials including paper, acrylics and Corian bonded together and then turned on the lathe into decorative bowls and pots. He finds it satisfying to create something beautiful from discarded materials.

About the Buckinghamshire Art Society

Founded in 1920. BAS plays an active role in the visual arts in Buckinghamshire, organising

exhibitions, demonstrations, workshops and various social events, the majority of which are open to the public. The society maintains close links with the County Museum in Aylesbury.

BAS has around 100 members, a large proportion of whom are professional and semi-professional artists. Representing a wide variety of styles and media, all members are elected to the Society on the basis of their skill as artists. Since its foundation, BAS has organized at least two exhibitions per year, traditionally one in the autumn for members only, and another in spring, to which non-members can also submit their work.

We strive to maintain a rigorous selection process for entry into the Society,” explains Antonia Glynne Jones, Joint Chair of BAS, “This ensures that our exhibitions continue to reflect the very best art Buckinghamshire has to offer. With such a wide range of talent, there really is something for everyone at our show.”

For Further information please Contact Antonia Glynne Jones on 07770878497 or email