Laptop Keeps Young Carers Caring

The recent COVID pandemic has hit all families. However, for some young carers it has put them in an impossible situation. Young Carers Bucks supports many such families but were particularly concerned about two young sisters who care for their mother. With lockdown and home schooling, they were suddenly isolated and were unable to do their school work and stay in contact with their friends.

Young Carers Bucks has a long standing relationship with Buckinghamshire Freemasons, and have been working together during COVID to provide hot meals and other support. After a call to see if the Freemasons of Buckinghamshire could help in some way, Phil Blacklaw (Assistant Head of Buckinghamshire Freemasons) leapt into action.

Shortly afterwards, Phil delivered a brand new laptop computer to the girls, who were very grateful to receive them. They have made a huge difference to the home schooling for these hard working your carers.

Rahat Butt, of Young Carers Bucks said “I am writing to sincerely thank Buckinghamshire Freemasons for their generous donation of a laptop for our Young Carer family in need.

The family are very grateful for the kind donation of the laptop by the Freemasons.

The new laptop has made a huge difference for the two Young Carers in the family. Since lockdown the family were having to share one laptop between five children, school work was not being completed and the school had concerns about the teenage girls one of whom is a GCSE student.

Mum and school contacted me to inform me of the difficulties that had arisen since lockdown. There are two young children who have significant care needs so the mother was becoming more stressed, juggling schoolwork, care needs and hospital visits.

The donation of the laptop has made a huge difference to the family. The two teenagers are now able to do vital schoolwork which will greatly increase their chances of higher academic achievement and a brighter future.


Young Carers Bucks are so fortunate to have a kind donor like the Buckinghamshire Freemasons.  Your contribution and support allows us to make a positive impact in the lives of the Young Carers.”