Leave a message of thanks on ThankYou Day
Sunday 4th July is National Thank You Day – a day to show appreciation and thank those around you.
Just a few weeks ago work began on Nightingale’s Rainbow at Stoke Mandeville Hospital – a monument to all the acts of kindness and resilience seen across Buckinghamshire through the Covid-19 pandemic.
Alongside this, the Virtual Nightingale’s Rainbow has been launched to ensure that the individual and community efforts across the county through the pandemic are celebrated and not forgotten. Everyone across Buckinghamshire is invited buy a Rainbow Tile and leave a message of appreciation to anyone who has supported them or their community over the past 16 months.
Message of thanks are beginning to fill up the Virtual Nightingale’s Rainbow, which has already raised over £13,000 to support local healthcare charities.
“Our heartfelt thanks to all the NHS team in Bucks for rising to the challenges and continuing to work to keep us all safe and healthy.”
“Thanks to all the amazing people and groups in High Wycombe, who volunteered their time to organise and support the community during the Pandemic”
“Bucks Search & Rescue – #ProudToServe thank you for helping make a difference.”
“Thank you to my amazing team for all of your amazing work through the pandemic – you are unsung heroes.”
Each Tile costs £20 with all the proceeds shared between Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity and the Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Charitable Fund to help support nurses, other healthcare workers and patients across the county.
You can read the messages and leave your message of thanks on the Virtual Nightingale’s Rainbow at www.nightingalesrainbow.org.uk