LGBT Forum supports Pride Festival
A team from Buckinghamshire County Council joined a ‘cast of thousands’ on Saturday (June 4) supporting Oxford’s Pride Festival parade.
The team from the County Council’s LGBT Equalities and Straight Allies Forum dressed in outfits fitting the theme ‘We can be Heroes’, and were joined by Amersham Town Mayor Mark Vivis and past mayor Amanda Lamont.
Phil Dart, Service Director for Communities, said they had joined the parade, which was a celebration of how far LGBT equality has progressed in the UK, to demonstrate support for LGBT colleagues in the organisation and the community more widely.
Martin Phillips, Cabinet Member for Community Engagement and Public Health, said it was right for all residents in Buckinghamshire to be able to live in peaceful co-existence in an atmosphere of mutual respect.
‘Whether it’s religion, ethnic origin, disability, gender, or sexual orientation, as long as people live lawfully, they deserve a happy fulfilling life,’ said Martin. ‘This is something I fully intend to champion to promote understanding in our county.’
Amersham Town Mayor Mark Vivis said: ‘There are no reasons for discriminating against people because of an aspect of their identity. Being treated with dignity and respect is something we are all entitled to.’
As a Stonewall Diversity Champion, Buckinghamshire County Council is committed to promoting equalities for all residents and employees.