Lindengate needs your support

Rob Butler MP for Aylesbury, visited Lindengate Mental Health Charity earlier this year. He commented that we are extremely impressive and unique product to provide such Greencare based therapy.  As the NHS considers new ways to help those with mental health needs, including social prescribing, Mr Butler believes Lindengate provides food for thought.

Our award winning charity is in the forefront of offering an alternative solution to those with a range of mental health needs from the age of 14 upwards. We are the only one of its type in Buckinghamshire and with 1 in 4 people experiencing mental health needs, we are irreplaceable, supporting over 120 service users a week (known to us as Gardeners). We offer nature based activities on our 5-acre site, using the healing power of nature to improve mental wellbeing and encourage recovery. We believe that if you nurture nature, nature will nurture you. 

The Trustees, staff and volunteers appreciate that times are incredibly difficult at the moment. Due to the national emergency and restrictions imposed on us all by Covid 19, we have had to cancel all fundraising events and sadly had to close our 5-acre site to our Gardeners last month, leaving us with a precarious shortfall in income.

When we emerge from this crisis, we anticipate a significant additional uptake of our already y much needed services. It is imperative we keep financially stable to enable us to re-open into the future.

We have unfortunately had to furlough 68% of our staff. With government support and the work of the remaining staff, we are determined to ensure the whole team can continue to be paid, so they remain with us for when we reopen.  It is vital that we provide continuity for our Gardeners and this means that the team must remain in place so old relationships can re-engage when this happens. It also means ensuring that the site is kept healthy and our Horticultural and Site staff are able to maintain our gardens so they are fit for purpose later in the year.

We need your help to enable us to continue this service for local people with mental health needs. We appreciate budgets are very tight, but however small your contribution, it will ensure the future of Lindengate Mental Health Charity. 

If you are able to make a donation, however small, it will be incredibly valued.

Please email us at and we will send you our bank details for a BACs transfer or you can donate via PayPal via the Lindengate website.