Local charity helps spread Easter cheer

Children in towns and villages across Buckinghamshire have been able to enjoy an extra bit of Easter cheer this year thanks to the generosity of a local charity.

Storehouse Covid 19 Community Volunteer Response Programme was set up in direct response to the coronavirus pandemic. Incorporating existing community charity ventures carried out by Chiltern Foodbank and the organisation Restore Hope which works with schools and families across the county, the organisation has been working hard to raise funds and recruit volunteers to pack up food parcels for families in needs.

Wanting to do something specifically aimed at children and families who may be struggling in the current situation, the charity set about organising an extra treat for children in the local area by delivering Easter eggs and crafts and toys to hundreds of families just in time for the long weekend.

Working alongside Buckinghamshire Council, churches and other local community groups, the charity arranged for 6,000 Easter eggs to be given out alongside 400 Big Boxes of Hope, full of art and craft supplies and toys and games, specifically for disadvantaged and vulnerable children.

Local councillors Ashley Waite and Paul Irwin gave up their time to deliver some of the boxes to schools and local towns and villages with the help of the Bernwode Bus and drivers from BORG (Bucks & Oxon 4×4 Response Group also helped take boxes around the county.

Gareth Williams, Buckinghamshire Council’s Executive Portfolio Holder for Health and Culture paid a visit to the charity depot this week to meet and thank the volunteers. He said: “What a wonderful way to give an extra boost to our local families. At times we can all find this new way of living tough but for those households with additional stresses and strains, it can sometimes seem unbearable.

“We are grateful to Storehouse and Restore Hope for this very generous gesture to spread some Easter cheer. They truly illustrate the spirit in our Proud of Bucks campaign and on behalf of the people of Buckinghamshire they are helping, I would like to say a huge Thank You.”

Storehouse continues to raise funds to provide food boxes and supplies to those in need in Buckinghamshire. To find out more visit: www.storehouse.site