Local community carers in focus in today’s council video update
Carers in the Buckinghamshire community during the coronavirus emergency is the topic of today’s video update (Vlog) from Buckinghamshire Council Leader Martin Tett.
Martin is joined by Lucy Martin, who is Adult Carers Service Lead at Aylesbury-based charity Carers Bucks. In the video, Lucy talks about the work carers do to support the young and old, the challenges they’ve faced during the coronavirus pandemic, and how they’ve adapted their ways of working.
“We encourage people to contact us as the moment. That’s whether they’re in a caring role themselves, or on behalf of someone who is a carer. Our contact details can be found on our website www.carersbucks.org,” says Lucy.
Today’s Vlog can be found at: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/coronavirus/video-updates
The daily Vlog, supporting the message #ProudofBucks, also provides an opportunity for people to ask questions via social media on how the council is fighting Coronavirus locally, what residents can do to stay safe, and how they can get involved in helping others – using the #askBucksCouncil Twitter hashtag.
Vlogs will also be shared daily on the council’s social media channels.
Daily updates about all council services can be found on the website at: www.buckinghamshire.gov.uk/community-and-safety/changes-to-our-services-due-coronavirus