Local Face: Julie Hadley
Julie has lived in Wendover for twenty-four years but has felt so much more a part of the community since starting her role as Parish Administrator for St Mary’s Wendover and St Michael’s Halton in January 2022. The Parish Office where she is based is nestled at the rear of the Just Ethical Trading Shop on the High Street, right in the heart of the community and a perfect location to meet and get to know local people and visitors. Julie finds working within the Just shop very inspiring – both for the wonderful array of ethical and fair-trade items available to buy, and to be working alongside the team who staff, manage and run Just as volunteers, all working together to source, buy and display the wide range of products on offer and create wonderful window displays!
When not spending her wages in Just, Julie’s role as Parish Administrator is varied and she very much enjoys supporting the Ministry team at St Mary’s and St Michael’s and to be there for the people of Wendover and Halton at key moments in their lives, whether they be parents organising a baptism, couples planning their perfect wedding, or families navigating grief as they lay lost loved ones to rest. If you would like any information about baptisms, weddings or funerals at St Mary’s or St Michael’s, then please do pop in and see Julie or contact her at the Parish Office on 01296 623123, or via email at info@stmaryswendover.org.
Julie’s role also involves co-ordinating the many activities that take place in the church buildings. St Mary’s has great acoustics, so is a favourite venue for choirs and classical concerts. Please keep an eye out for adverts in Wendover News and posters in Just for upcoming performances. You can often buy your tickets in Just too! The church is also host to many groups and regular activities, including Sparklers for parents and toddlers meeting every Monday morning, Wendover Singers Junior Choir and U3A. Details of regular activities happening at St Mary’s and church services may be found at https://www.stmaryswendover.org (click on What’s On tab).
Christmas is fast approaching; Julie has her work cut out preparing materials for the seasonal services at St Mary’s – including a fun Christingle service (10:45am on Sunday 4th December) and a Carol service at 7pm on Sunday 18th December. On Christmas Eve St Mary’s offers an outdoor Christmas celebration for everyone at 4pm, and the first Communion of Christmas at 11:30pm. Christmas morning will see us joining together in an all-ages Communion service at 10am.
Outside work, Julie is a keen cook, enjoys the theatre (especially musicals!) and is a new and enthusiastic member of the flower team at St Mary’s, very much enjoying this relaxing and mindful activity. It’s a delight to see all the different arranging styles and creative design ideas when the team comes together for major festivals. Anyone who enjoys flower arranging (or would like to learn) is very welcome to join – there’s no need to be a member of St Mary’s, or go to church. The flower team are holding a Christmas wreath-making workshop on Saturday 3rd December from 9:30am (with breakfast!) – why not come along and have a go at creating your own unique Christmas decoration?
Julie looks forward to the privilege of meeting many more of you as she continues in her role and don’t forget to drop into Just next time you’re in the High Street!
For regular Sunday services at all Wendover churches see ad on back page. For Christmas services see page 4.