Local Face: Ray Walton
Ray and Sue Walton came to live in Wendover in 1971 when they were newly weds from Amersham. By the time they wanted to move house their children Paul and Helen were already in the school system and they were both happy living here so they moved within the village. Ray recently took early retirement in September. Their son lives in Stoke Mandeville and their daughter is in Chiswick so Ray and Sue are very happy to stay here. Ray hopes to become involved in U3A and water colour painting as his retirement develops.
At secondary school in Chesham, Ray was fortunate to have a music teacher, Glyn Davies, who was also an inspirational choirmaster. The Germains Choir was well known in the 1950’s. Glyn knew Joan Gilbert, who presented the TV programme Picture Page with Leslie Mitchell, and she was delighted that they were of high enough standard to appear. They were also invited onto the Radio programme “Let the children sing” presented by Franklin Engelmann. Unfortunately the choir collapsed when Glyn left the school. Ray did not have another opportunity to perform for many years to come. However, those 4 years of singing had an indelible effect on him.
When Ray left school at 15 years he joined Halstons in Amersham as a compositor. Halstons was founded as a music engraver shortly after the First World War because it was difficult to buy German pewter process engraving equipment. They developed a highly successful music process. Ray’s interest in music had been kindled at school. He was soon moved to the origination department where he was allowed to use his’creativity. and eventually became the manager of 23 staff including outworkers. Origination now uses computer technology and is not so labour intensive. Halstons continues to be a major world music printer’ employing over 65 people in Amersham.
In the early 1990’s Ray attended a school reunion Glyn Davies was there. He was still conducting choirs and suggested reforming the Germains Choir which duly happened. After a gap of over 30 years Ray was back singing again. A fellow choir member invited him to join the Wycombe Male Orpheus Choir and after 6 years service Ray has recently become their Concert Secretary following Peter Hall who had held the post for 20 years. This involves arranging the programme, piano tuning and transport including their own staging.
The Wycombe Orpheus Male Voice Choir was founded in 1923, with Methodist connections, and still rehearses on Wednesday evenings in the Weslyan Chapel in Priory Road. They have enjoyed immense success in the past 80 years including 32 first prizes in competitions and 58 certificates. This year they will appear in the Llangollen Eisteddfod. In October 2002 they were invited to join in the centenary celebrations of the London Welsh Male Voice Choir at the Royal Albert Hall. This melodic extravaganza featured 10 Welsh, 1 Australian and 2 English choirs and eight of the songs were sung from memory in Welsh! Wycombe Male Orpheus Choir has been supported for many years by its President in Kenneth Roberton, a music publisher from Wendover, known to Ray for many years.
The choir is very aware that its members tend to be rather long in the tooth but they encourage musical talent in the young by staging an annual Young Musician award which is very popular and of a staggeringly high standard, featuring more musicians than singers. Modern children are not exposed to choral singing as did previous generations who sang hymns in church and morning assemblies. Modern working life means that more people work into the evening so that it is more difficult to attend rehearsals regularly and work is more unstable so younger choir members move for work to other parts of the country. However, singing in a choir gives great camaraderie, especially on tour. To join, please call Rayon 01296 624329.
Most concerts of the Wycombe Male Orpheus Choir are for charities and at 7.30pm on Saturday 22nd February you will have the opportunity to see and hear them at St George’s Church, Chestnut Avenue, RAF Halton. The concert is in aid of the Stoke Mandeville Hospital Heart Monitors Appeal. Tickets cost £8 (concessions £6) from Wendover Clocktower, Wend over Bookshop or telephone 01296 622000.