Local Faces at JCS

Huge congratulations to Ellie Philp and Mitchell Hoverd on their election to Head Girl and Boy at John Colet School along with Rebecca Neville and Subin Guring their Deputies. Their first joint endeavour was to attend a leadership day at William Borlaise School on 19 June and by the end of the month had assisted with year 10 and year 11 taster days, speaking in assemblies and helping students to choose their courses. On 6 July they were entrusted with representing the school to the current year 6 who attended the induction day. The last task for this term was to organise a sixth form sports day as well as lunchtime students v staff matches in football, rounders and dodgeball.

Last year, the Sixth Form Council raised nearly £2000 for their two chosen charities, Great Ormond Street Hospital and Hearing Dogs for the Deaf. Clearly this year’s team wants to exceed that target. The charities won’t be chosen until the new academic year which gives them time to plan. Usually two charities are chosen – one local and one national or international.

The main fund raising events in the Lower School (years 7 to 11) are based around traditional celebrations:

Freaky Friday – Halloween

Frosty Friday – Christmas

Flirty Friday – Valentine

They include cake sales, especially the now famous Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, games and other activities designed to have fun, raise some money and integrate all pupils into school life.

The Sixth Form Council also organises an ice-breaking Fresher’s Party at the end of September to help the new year 12 integrate with year 13 to make a cohesive sixth form. This is aided by having vertical integration in sixth form tutor groups making it easier for year 13 to advise year 12 about academic and social life. The Leavers’ Prom for year 13 will be planned later in the school year for when exams are over. Good luck!