Lottery Assistance to Local School

A new lottery has been set up to help good causes throughout the Vale of Aylesbury, and one of it’s causes is the Halton Community Combined School, who are trying to raise funding for a new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) in order to safely play team games such as netball. Unfortunately the area they have at the moment is covered in tarmac which is broken in places. Some 70 of Halton’s children are educated at the school.

Most funding streams won’t give to causes that they consider to be a building work project or a school and most of Halton Community Combined School funds are being spent on educating the children themselves even if that means paying for the expertise. Such money at the school has supported special intervention work and expertise on enabling all children to achieve, even if they have particular needs, where they may struggle, this is why Halton Community Combined School is such an outstanding school.

The Vale Lottery is supporting Halton Combined School, see the poster attached for details of how to join.