Logistics & Supply Training Squadron Graduation
Logistics (Supply) Basic Training (LSBT) course 18/003 graduated on Thursday 22 Nov 18 with all 8 students successfully passing every exam without a re-sit. In addition, a record was set whereby 5 students achieved a Merit; awarded for attaining over 85% in all 11 exams.
Consistently displaying an excellent team ethos, the course maintained exceptionally high standards throughout; evident when participating in the RAF Halton Station Families Day, the RAF 100 Photography event at HHOM and the RBL Poppy Appeal in London, earning them laudatory comments from Senior Officers and the Public alike. Alongside this, the course also found extra capacity to represent LSTS in two CO’s Cup events, winning one and also representing the RAF at Wembley; flag bearing for the FA at the International football match against Croatia.
So high were the standards, that the Sqn WO deemed it appropriate to break with tradition and award two commendations for best effort and determination; this has never been done before.
The course is 13 weeks and 3 days long and covers the modules of Core Supply, Supply Accounting (SCAF), Receipts and Despatch (R&D), Repairables Management (RMF) and Stockholding. All students go straight to a main Operating Base after Graduation and this course were assigned to Benson, Waddington, Odiham, Marham and Lossiemouth. They will deploy on Operations around two years after graduation which will normally be the Falkland Islands, however their second deployment could be anywhere.
WO Davy said: “I have been Squadron Warrant Officer since February 16 and this is the best cohort that I have seen in my time here. The academic results were unprecedented and we would normally see maybe one merit on a course. To have five merits smashes all known records and is quite an achievement. In addition, there were no re-sits by any student throughout the course. This highlights a great attitude, both as individuals and as a team.”
He continued: “The Instructors have thoroughly enjoyed this course. Not just for the results attained, but also for the interaction with the course; the students willingly gave up their spare time to take part in Station, local community and national events to represent the RAF. They have impressed at all levels in the Squadron, not those just involved in training delivery. I have no doubt that the graduates from LSBT 18/003 will go on to have successful careers as Suppliers in the RAF.”
The Course Instructors were
Sgt Louisa Ward (Lead Instructor)
Cpl Liam Cottam
Cpl Steve Roberts
L(S)BT course 18/003
AC Bird
AC Eaton – Merit
AC Furness – WO LSTS Commendation
AC Garton – WO LSTS Commendation
AC Parry – Senior Man, OC LSTS Commendation, Merit
AC Reynolds – Merit
AC Roberts – Merit
AC Taylor – Merit