Make a New Year’s Resolution for your Wellbeing

The start of a new year is traditionally the time to make some decisions about changing your lifestyle for the better. For many people their first thought is to join a gym, start a diet or perhaps try a new exercise class. More and more people are realising that gardening is a fantastic way to get more exercise, enjoy the fresh air and express your creative side. Gardening at Lindengate is even more beneficial, giving you the opportunity to work in a beautiful inspirational garden, take part in bigger projects and help other people.

If you think your wellbeing needs a boost through gentle exercise, helping others, working on creative projects out in the open air being closer to nature, give Lindengate a call. Or perhaps you enjoy cooking, crafts or woodwork? We welcome volunteers of all abilities, whether they have days or just a few hours to give each week.

We also welcome corporate volunteer groups to share a great day at Lindengate team-building whilst working on a project that will benefit our Gardeners and a positive boost for your team’s wellbeing.

Make it your New Year’s resolution to find out more about volunteering at Lindengate. Have a look at our website or find us on Facebook @Lindengategardening Call us on 01296 622443 or email

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