Make a New Year resolution to do your bit – however big or small – for local hospice care
It’s that time again. January 1 has passed, and with it a long list of things you vow to stop doing in the hope that the New Year will be the start of a new you.
But New Year resolutions do not have to involve a self-imposed ban on guilty pleasures or minor vices. Instead, that ‘fresh start’ feeling that comes with the dawn of 2019 could herald a new lease of life for you as a Rennie Grove Hospice Care volunteer.
Rennie Grove is the local charity that cares for local people – children, adults and their families – who are dealing with cancer or other life-limiting conditions. Dedicated nurses deliver this specialist care in people’s own homes throughout Bucks and Herts, with extensive support services also available through the charity’s Grove House day hospice.
Each year, more than 1,500 volunteers give up some of their spare time to help and fundraise to ensure as many local families as possible benefit from this unique nursing care. Their support equates to £1.5 million a year – but in reality their efforts and input is absolutely priceless.
So forget about often-abandoned lists of pledges to give up chocolate, too much TV and all those other bad habits. This year you can make a New Year resolution guaranteed to be life-changing for you and for others by doing your bit for Rennie Grove.
“Volunteers are integral to the successful running of Rennie Grove and the sheer scope of their contribution is humbling,” said Rennie Grove Volunteering Development Advisor, Susan Lewis.
“From helping in one of the Rennie Grove shops, to driving tasks, DIY jobs, admin work, family support services or organising and taking part in one of many fundraising events, each volunteer makes a unique and highly-valued contribution.
“You may have a relative, friend or neighbour who has benefitted from Rennie Grove nursing care or simply have a few spare hours available to help out; whatever your inspiration, the Rennie Grove team will be delighted to hear from you and welcome you on board.”
Jennie, who is one of Rennie Grove’s highly-valued volunteers, said: “Rennie Grove was there for us when times were bad and so I volunteer to say thank you and to ensure more people benefit from their wonderful care. I don’t know how people manage without them, and I know they feel the same about their volunteers.”
“The current winter weather brings the threat of snow or difficult driving conditions we have a pressing need for suitably experienced and equipped volunteer drivers at the moment, along with a supporting hands co-ordinator plus eBay listers and packers and complementary therapists,” adds Susan.
“If you would like to find out more about these roles or see the full list of latest volunteer vacancies please visit or call 01442 890222.”