Make the most of spring on local nature reserves

Now the worst of the winter weather is past us, let’s think about giving a helping hand on any of the Wildlife Trust reserves near Wendover. College Lake is always keen to have more help with visitors at the outdoor welcome desk or inside the Visitor Centre. Note that the reserve will be open on all the bank holiday Mondays coming up but closed on other Mondays. At Dancersend, Weston Turville and Bacombe Hill you can get stuck in to practical conservation work. In all cases please register your interest with to find out more.

The final talk of the winter season is at Great Missenden Memorial Centre, HP16 9AE on Tuesday 21 March when Brian Eversham, CEO of the Beds, Cambs and Northants Wildlife Trust will tell us about the impact of Climate Change on local wildlife. Doors open at 7pm, admission is £5 including refreshments and all are welcome. Find more details of all activities and reserve locations at
Richard Birch, BBOWT Chilterns Group