Week Sixteen of Manor Waste Refurbishment
This is week four beyond the scheduled end of the project.
To read about the survey completed prior to this work, clickhere
To see some videos of work in progress clickhere
To see what happened in week one, clickhere
To see what happened in week two, clickhere
To see what happened in week three, clickhere
To see what happened in week four, clickhere
To see what happened in week five, clickhere
To see what happened in week six, clickhere
To see what happened in week seven, clickhere
To see what happened in week eight, clickhere
To see what happened in week nine, clickhere
To see what happened in week ten, clickhere
To see what happened in week eleven, clickhere
To see what happened in week twelve, clickhere
To see what happened in week thirteen, clickhere
To see what happened in week fourteen, clickhere
To see what happened in week fifteen, click here
- Monday 9 May: No work on the Manor Waste today
- Tuesday 10 May: More street furniture in place today. These are the cycle racks at the top of the High Street.
- Wednesday 11 May: Today the area outside the War Memorial section of Manor Waste had tarmac laid as necessary and the enclosure shrank to just around the War Memorial.
- Friday 13 May:Much tidying up on the Manor Waste today. The War Memorial revealed again.
To see what happened in August, click here