Matters Arising, March 2019
View from the Chair
Wendover is cold and snow covered as I write this. The grounds team have been busy salting the areas that the WPC is responsible for. Each year we get requests to salt paths that are either highway or housing association owned. Wendover PC has no facility to store salt in bulk. We have no plant for spreading salt over wider areas and we have no funding to take on more gritting and snow clearance.
In an emergency our 2.2 groundsmen will always try to help out, but please remember that when conditions are so harsh that organisations the size of Bucks CC, AVDC and the Housing Trust can’t deliver a satisfactory service it is possible that the WPC won’t perform to its usual high standards either. The winter tasks of snow clearing and salting have not been devolved to the Parish Council from these other bodies.
The cold weather will have delivered a hefty crop of potholes and other highways issues. Please report them all to Bucks CC using Using the web service ensures that a proper record of your issue is maintained and that you can track the action that is taken.
Tom Walsh, Chairman of Wendover PC
Speed Watch
Volunteers Needed
The Parish Council are looking for volunteers to conduct community speed watch activities in Wendover. A lot of concern has been raised by residents that people are driving too fast along certain roads. In order for repeat culprits to be reprimanded we need to run a series of speed watching activities in the community. The only pre-requisite is to attend a one off 15-minute training session at the Clock Tower, going forward you would just need to collect and set the speed camera up at the designated position. Thereafter you and your speed watch partner can sit back and watch the camera do its magic. The speed watch activity can be held for any length of time so if you only have an hour to spare this would be helpful. ‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much!’ – Helen Keller
Dementia Awareness
On 17 January 2019, Wendover Parish Council organised a Dementia Friendly training session with the Wendover Dementia Action Alliance for the Clock Tower staff, Councillors and local Business owners. Thank you to No.1, Just, Ivan R Cammack Optometrists, Heritage & Sons Funeral Directors and Costa Coffee for joining us! The session opened our eyes to how Dementia can affect those around us and what small adjustments we can do personally and as businesses to make our environments Dementia Friendly. If you would like to become a Dementia Friend please contact Wendover Dementia Action Alliance, page 23, or visit for more info. Our dream is for Wendover to be a Dementia Friendly town!
Donation to Sparrowhawks
The Wendover Ladies Netball Club, otherwise known as the Sparrowhawks, received a donation of £583.51 from monies raised at the Wendover 2018 Christmas Event. Thanks to Kings Farm, The Nutman of London, Monsta Pizza, Coffee Stop and Harpenden Building Society.