Matters Arising, October 2019
View from the Chair
The Wendover Parish Council offers a way for the community to move issues forward. You talk and we listen, and things will slowly improve.
I’m in an optimistic frame of mind, it must be the sunny weather, and I’m focusing on a few of the Parish Council’s recent achievements this month.
One of the big issues that keeps coming up is speeding in the village. We now have an active Community Speed Watch group monitoring the 30mph roads. I’m told that there’s still room for more volunteers if you fancy it. Tied into that are the new speed watch warning signs at each main road entrance to Wendover. Our vehicle activated signs, VAS, now gather useful data on traffic speeds as they remind drivers of the speed limit. Following the meeting I had with Cllr Steve Bowles of BCC and the Deputy Police Commissioner Matthew Barber, we’re getting some enforcement of the speed limit on the bypass. A Police speed trap on the bypass in August caught 20 speeding drivers in one hour. The fastest was reported at 82mph, 22mph over the 60mph limit. This is particularly good as enforcement generates data to support our push to get average speed cameras on the bypass.
The Wendover Parish Council sponsored two sessions of Play in the Park during August. It’s a well-tried formula where energetic helpers bring a van loaded down with games and craft materials, and then the fun commences. It looked like great fun when I dropped in. Both sessions took place in Ashbrook and were very well attended.
Our Clerk Keith is grateful to the Highways department. He informed Transport for Bucks about potholes in Bryants Acre. They were done the next day. I’ll join Keith in hoping that this speedy service is going to become the norm.
Tom Walsh
How to report streetlight faults
Streetlights are important for community safety and with the nights drawing in we want to keep them working. If you spot a fault with a streetlight such as an unlit lamp at night or one which is lit during the day in the Parish, it is important you let us know. You can report any issues via our website, email or phone, by using the contact details below. Each streetlight has a number on the column making it easy to locate, when reporting the fault please advise us of the streetlight number where possible, along with the location of the light using road names or land marks and the nature of the problem eg light flashing or the light is out.
Bucks County Council is responsible for all lighting on main highways, to report a fault please visit the web page
NEW Halloween Drawing Competition
Wendover Parish Council are running a NEW and exciting Halloween drawing competition, where you could win 4 x tickets to see Dennis and Gnasher: Unleashed! on Thursday 23 January, 7pm at the Aylesbury Waterside Theatre. Create a Halloween themed picture featuring the Clock Tower, out of any medium you wish. Drop your creation off at the Clock Tower before 3 November with your name and contact details, to be entered into the competition.