Matters Arising – Wendover Parish Council update, September 2022
View from the Chair
September already, after a beautiful if sometimes too hot and definitely too dry, summer! At long last the Statutory Parking Consultation is up and running, please make comments on the proposals
It’s been all change with the WPC staff in the Clocktower. Our long-serving Assistant Cheryl Marley has moved back to concentrate on family life and her own business, but we’ll be continuing to work with her as she manages our new all-singing and dancing website (more details on this page) – we wish her every success with both ventures. The new Clerk has also moved on, and we are in the process of restructuring the office resources, advertising, and interviewing for new staff over the next few weeks.
Outside space has been well used and the ‘Play in the Parish’ on Ashbrook on 8 August was well attended and enjoyed by many. One balmy evening, we were lucky enough to spot a hedgehog in our garden, however, with all the new fences after the gales of spring, please ensure you have either a gap underneath or a 15cm hole for them to travel through. Hedgehogs are great at eating your slugs when the wet weather comes! We also noticed how many security lights are not directed into the owners’ property but spill out over those of neighbours. Please check that yours only light your own garden.
That’s all for now, have a good bank holiday!
Sheila Bulpett
Haddington Playpark (formerly the Helicopter Park) Update
Now that planning has been agreed, at time of going to press, the works on the new playpark are expected to begin 22 August, providing all pieces of equipment have arrived. The job is planned to complete in four weeks.
The access/storage/plant/welfare elements will be via Haddington Close, and residents should expect communications from the Ministry of Defense on the details of this. There is an anticipated labour force of 3-5 people working 08.00 – 16.00hrs Monday to Friday only.
The MOD Police and Thames Valley Police along with the local school are supporting and promoting this installation. They will assist where they can in minimising any damage during installation and going forwards.
Once completed, Wendover Parish Council will be responsible for the upkeep of the grounds to the curtilage of the bow top fencing and the annual safety inspections following installation.
‘Welcome to Wendover’ new Parish website
At the Annual Parish Meeting in April, we promised parishioners that the Council would be working hard to ‘champion all things which make Wendover unique’ and one of the key elements to this is the creation of a new website which aggregates all useful information about everything which makes Wendover (and its surroundings) so wonderful to live & work in and visit, too. We have launched the beta version of the website, but our current Parish Council website continues to run as usual until such time that this new one is fully launched. We would appreciate any useful feedback on it before we officially launch it in September. If you would like your organisation/business/information on the site please do get in touch on
‘I love Wendover’ campaign
Another part of ‘championing all things which make Wendover unique’ involves us creating a ‘I love Wendover’ campaign and Wendover Parish Council are seeking local designers to pitch ideas to us to produce items such as shopping bags, t-shirts, stickers, signage, caps etc for sale in the local shops and online, and also for the Council to produce them for community events eg: Wendover Celebrates & Christmas, for example. If you are keen to be part of this local pride initiative, please get in touch with and we will provide further information about the requirements.