Mentors needed to help unemployed people find jobs

Volunteers are needed to spare an hour a week mentoring unemployed people to help them find jobs.

Buckinghamshire County Council needs the mentors to lend a hand at the end of employment courses run by its Community Wellbeing Programme. The courses are designed to give the unemployed new skills in care or construction or simply boost their confidence in the job market.

Martin Phillips, Council Cabinet Member for Community Engagement and Public Health, said: “All we are asking for is for the volunteers to give an hour a week to help someone else achieve their education, training and employment goals. It’s only a small amount of time to give but may make all the difference in supporting them to find new opportunities to learn new skills or to apply for jobs that suit their lifestyle.”

Prospective mentors, who will be unpaid,will be trained and matched with an individual with similar background or experiences.

If you are interested, contact Kat Johnston on 07747 476820 to find out more.