Message from His Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant of Buckinghamshire The Countess Howe
“Following the death of Queen Elizabeth the Second, I offer on behalf of Buckinghamshire residents my sincere condolences to His Majesty The King and to all the members of the Royal Family.
“The remarkable 70-year reign of the late Queen has been characterised by her devotion to duty in the service of her people. Her deep affection for the Commonwealth, and her extraordinary capacity to act as a global leader have given rise to expressions of admiration, affection and condolence from all over the world.
“We shall remember Her Majesty for her special qualities; her empathy, her humility, her wisdom and her faith. She provided stability and continuity in an ever changing world and gave encouragement and support to so many during periods of adversity.
“We honour and celebrate Her Majesty for her dignity, her grace and above all her constancy. She had an unfailing sense of service and duty which endured to the end. We have lost a true servant of this country and the Commonwealth, and our grief knows no bounds.
“We extend our deepest sympathy to His Majesty as we each hold in our hearts our own memories of the greatest servant of our nation.”