Milestone hit with over 30 million NHS App sign-ups and almost 450K new organ donation decisions
People are being encouraged to use the NHS App as an easy way to register their decision during Organ Donation Week (26 September to 2 October) as more than 6,500 patients are actively waiting for a transplant across the UK.
NHS Digital figures show that:
- NHS App now has more than 30 million sign-ups
- Organ donation preferences have been managed over 3.7m times through the NHS App. These include:
- Over 832,000 updates to existing organ donation decisions
- 448,000 organ donation decisions registered for the first time, (183,000 of these since September 2021)
- Over 19.3 million repeat prescriptions ordered via the app in the last year (September 2021 – August 2022)
- 1.4 million GP appointments booked via the app in the last year (September 2021 – August 2022)
The NHS App now has more than 30 million sign-ups and its use could also have a life-saving impact, with hundreds of thousands of new donors registering their decision for the first time via the app in the last year.
The total number of organ donation decisions registered for the first time through the NHS App has increased by 69% in a year – with a rise from 265,000 last September to 448,000 in August 2022.
Since September 2021, 183,000 new organ donation decisions have been registered via the NHS App. Overall, organ donation preferences have been managed 3.7 million times through the app.
Registering a preference on organ donation helps NHS specialist nurses to quickly understand people’s wishes, which can ultimately save lives.
Susie Day, NHS Digital Director of Delivery, NHS App said:
“Millions of people are continuing to use the NHS App to take control of their healthcare directly from their phone or the NHS website, with over 30 million sign-ups now recorded. It’s great to see rising numbers of people using the app to register and manage their organ donation decisions and we encourage everyone, if they haven’t already done so, to record this important decision through the app or online.”
NHS Director for Transformation Dr Tim Ferris said:
“We are transforming the NHS App into a front door for the NHS, so the millions of people currently using it can set their organ donation preferences but also do much more to manage their health and access services.”
Anthony Clarkson, Director of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation for NHS Blood and Transplant said:
“Every day across the UK there are thousands of patients and their families, waiting for that all important life-saving call. Yet, this is often only possible as a result of another family receiving some of the hardest news they might ever have to hear.
“With the increase in the number of people waiting for transplants, it’s more important than ever to register your organ donation decision and make it known to your family and friends. We urge all family members of all ages to take a moment this Organ Donation Week to register and share your decision.”
To find out more and register your decision, visit or the NHS Organ Donor Register at