More drop-in clinics at Stoke Mandeville Stadium this weekend

With over 1000 eligible people turning up last week to get a COVID-19 vaccine at a drop-in clinic, a second one is running at Stoke Mandeville stadium again this weekend.

These clinics are for eligible members of the public to get their first or second Astra Zeneca COVID-19 vaccine without a pre-booked appointment.

The drop-in clinics will be open on:

  • Friday 11 June from 9:30am-1pm & 2pm– 5pm
  • Saturday 12 June from 9am-1pm


Regardless of whether you are a permanent Bucks resident or not, anyone aged over 40 who has not yet had their first vaccine or those over 18 who need their second jab is eligible to attend. All you need is your name, date of birth and NHS number.

You can find your NHS number online at:

If you can’t find your NHS number in advance, don’t worry, you can still be vaccinated, your appointment may just take a little longer.

Dr Raj Bajwa, GP and Chair of NHS Buckinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group said: “We want to make it as easy as possible for people to access the vaccine. With busy working lives and families to look after we know that lots of people find it easier to simply pop along to the clinics and get vaccinated. It’s usually a very quick process and people can be in and out in 15-20 minutes

“New variants of any virus are always cause for concern, but a double hit of vaccine as well as being sensible about how you behave afterwards is the key to a return to a more normal way of life. One dose of the current vaccines isn’t going to protect you as well as two – we urge everyone to make sure and attend that 2nd appointment”

Further drop-in clinics are planned over coming weeks, keep an eye out for further information.

For more information on the COVID-19 vaccine programme within Buckinghamshire visit the CCG website.