More online adult learning courses launching to support skills development
Buckinghamshire Adult Learning Service (BAL) is transforming the way it delivers its courses to help people to continue to learn and look after their mental wellbeing whilst government guidance on staying at home remains in place.
Classroom based courses are being transformed into engaging and innovative online learning programmes. From the end of April onwards, there will be over 150 courses available covering a wide range of topics and skills. All courses are designed and delivered by qualified and experienced specialist tutors who are passionate about their subjects.
Examples of courses that are on offer include:
- Over 30 fitness courses including tai chi, Pilates, yoga, and meditation.
- A range of language courses including French, Spanish and Italian at a range of different levels.
- Over 50 creative classes including floristry, drawing, painting, garden design, cooking and creative writing.
- Courses to support future employability and digital skills development, for which you can receive a qualification.
Over a thousand learners have already enrolled for these courses and some courses are filling up fast.
Anita Cranmer, Executive Portfolio Holder for Education said: “I’m absolutely delighted that we can continue to offer our fantastic courses to residents despite government guidance on staying at home. We know that this challenging period can lead to increased stress and anxiety so it’s really important that people continue to do things that they find stimulating and enjoyable. By offering a wide range of courses online we hope that people will enjoy trying out something new or finding out more about a topic that they’re interested in.”
For more information about individual courses and to enrol go to