More plane and patch work for Bucks

Plane and patch road surfacing has proved so popular with councillors and residents that Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB) has been allocated an additional £1million for its plane and patch programme this financial year. This work, which commenced in November, involves 27 schemes and should be complete by end of March 2020, weather permitting.

Earlier this year TfB completed over 100 plane and patch treatments across the county, largely on local roads. This was in addition to the general road surfacing programme for major roads.

Schemes in the plane and patch programme continue to be chosen and guided by TfB’s Local Area Technicians (LATs), coordinating with local councillors. LATs have a broad knowledge of the roads around Buckinghamshire and understand areas that will benefit the most from the plane and patch treatment.

Plane and patch work is particularly effective on minor roads as this type of treatment provides a great opportunity to repair pothole clusters and focus on the roads that cause the most concern for members of the public.

Members of the public will be kept well informed of the plane and patch programme through the usual social media outlets including Twitter @tfbalerts and