Multi-million pound road improvements scheme launched

Buckinghamshire County Council has announced this week (Tuesday March 22) a spend of more than £11 million in the coming year on surfacing work on over 50 miles of roads and pavements across the county.

It’s part of the new year ofimprovements and maintenance by Transport for Buckinghamshire (TfB), which starts in April.

This brings to more than £90m the amount the County Council has invested since 2011 on road surfacingto improve, maintain, and prolong the life and condition of Buckinghamshire’s network.

The work identified for 2017-18 continues this rolling programme of priority work, and similar programmes are planned for future years.

More than 100 roads in Buckinghamshire will be surfaced in 2017-18,and preparatory work is due to start in early April followed by the main surfacing treatments from May onwards.

The list of roads, to be finalised by the end of March, is a combination ofsurfaces needing priority treatment through condition testing, androads chosen by local councillors under the guidance of TfB engineers.

Transport Cabinet Member Mark Shaw said that in addition to the annual maintenance by TfB, the County Council is making improvements to the network by developing new roads.

“The multi-million pound investment on maintenance is only part of the overall approach the County Council has to continually improving and expanding the essential network of roads we have in Buckinghamshire,” said Mark.

“There are ongoing projects across the county, which are strengthening our network, from the Stocklake link road in Aylesbury to the Beaconsfield relief road, which open up the network a little bit further and relieve some of the pressure on more historic roads.

“Using funding from central government and from developers, these essential schemes are supporting the growth and development of Buckinghamshire as a whole, as the county expands and more housing is built.”