New Funding Boosts Sports Provision at Aylesbury College

Students at Aylesbury College can look forward to increased opportunities to get involved in sport thanks to £80,000 of National Lottery investment from Sport England’s Further Education Activation Fund. The additional funding, to be spent over three years, will be used to appoint a Sports Co-ordinator to develop sporting activities and raise awareness in the College and local area.

Karen Mitchell, Principal of Aylesbury College, said: “We’re delighted to receive this Lottery funding. This will help us to increase our sports activity in the College, and in turn the health and well-being of our young people, while complementing the wide range of Sport courses the College offers.”

An extensive consultation exercise was undertaken with students at the College. It was clear from this project, that there was a great desire to support a more active and sporting college environment. Additional sports that students would like to take part in include Boxing, Badminton, Dance, Football and Gym and Fitness. The appointed Sports Co-ordinator will also work closely with partners from outside the College including the County Sports Partnership, Aylesbury Vale District Council, Bucks UTC, local schools and commercial leisure providers. These links will help make students aware of the benefits of facilities and services within the local community.

Sport England’s Further Education Activation Fund aims to boost the number of students taking part in sport by assisting colleges to design and develop projects tailored to the sporting needs of their students.

Sport England Chief Executive, Jennie Price, said: “Our investment in further education and sixth form colleges is vital if we are to get more young people playing sport. By investing in Aylesbury College we’re helping to make sport more accessible, more attractive and more convenient to young people.”