New organ donors registered as result of Council’s campaign

A County Councillor whose life was saved by an organ donor is campaigning to get more people to join the donation register.

Bill Chapple was given only two weeks left to live after his liver failed – he owes his life to a stranger who was on the register and whose liver was a perfect match.

He has now started a campaign to encourage more people to sign up to the donation register. He spent all day Wednesday manning a stall at County Hall with information about the process.

And in the past four weeks over 30 staff at the council have already registered to become organ donors. Bill is also encouraging people in the community to consider joining the transplant register too.

Bill, who had non- alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, said: “A woman in her late 50s died suddenly and I was given her liver. I don’t know who she was because we are not allowed to know – but without her, I wouldn’t be here today and wouldn’t have met any of my four grandchildren or been able to give my daughter away in marriage.

“This lady didn’t save just me. Five other people benefited from her organs which shows how incredibly significant her decision to join the register was.”

You can register in two minutes here.