Consultation about The New Surgery, Tring

Consultation about The New Surgery, Tring

On 31 January 2016, Dr Hall-Jones, the general practitioner at The New Surgery, Tring, retired after 29 years at the surgery. Since then, Herts Urgent Care has been appointed as temporary caretaker provider of GP services from this practice until final decisions are made about how the needs of patients in Tring can best be met in the long-term.

Herts Valleys CCG, in partnership with NHS England, are responsible for making sure people in Tring have access to high quality GP services.

There are different options for what could happen next at The New Surgery, and the CCG and NHS England are inviting people in the area to have a say in this important decision.
There are two options being considered for the future of the practice and patients registered there:
• Option One: Contract a GP provider to provide services.
• Option Two: Patients register with another practice and The New Surgery would close.

Before making a decision we want to hear the public’s views. A letter from Herts Valleys CCG and NHS England has been sent to patients registered at the surgery. We will also be talking to other stakeholders, such as the local Healthwatch (who represent the views of patients and public in the area).

Once we have looked at all the information, we will make a decision and inform all patients registered at The New Surgery of that decision at the earliest opportunity.
NHS England

For patients to tell us what they think of these options, and any alternatives they may want us to consider, we would like them to:
• Complete an online survey available at Printed copies are available from The New Surgery or Herts Valleys CCG at: Communications and Engagement, Herts Valleys CCG, Hemel One, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7YU.
• Attend drop-in sessions where representatives from Herts Valleys CCG and NHS England will be on hand to answer any queries. They will be at Pond Close Sheltered Housing Scheme (next to The New Surgery), Pond Close, Tring, Hertfordshire, HP23 5BE, on the following dates: Thursday 21 April (1.30-3pm); Thursday 5 May (9.30-11am); Wednesday 11 May (5.30-7pm).
• Patients can email views to:
• They can write to us at: The New Surgery Consultation, Communications and Engagement, Herts Valleys CCG, Hemel One, Boundary Way, Hemel Hempstead, HP2 7YU.
Responses should be completed and submitted by 5pm on Friday 20 May 2016.

For further information contact Heather Aylward at Herts Valleys CCG on 01442 898885.