News from Ubiquitous Theatre Company
Rehearsals and preparations are well under way for our forthcoming production of Doubt at The Limelight Theatre and then the Ubiquitous team will be taking a well earnedsummer break. Once we’ve topped up our tans we’ll be taking a look at how we can best entertain our local community for the autumn. Current considerations are a contribution to the 2nd Waterside Festival being organised by our very own Nick Andrews and a murder mystery night. Watch this space.
We’ll also be taking a break from our successful collaboration with the World’s End Garden Centre whilst they make some big operational changes. The Ubiquitous Team will be looking at other potential venues during the summer break but in the mean time we’ve decided to try the very nice facilities at the Limelight Theatre.
With parliament and Brexit creating so much drama on a daily basis it’s questionable as to whether we can take any more! However, the feedback you give, tells us you love a great night out at the theatre. For those of you going away for the holiday weekend you’ll have to settle for reading the rave reviews, those staying at home can make the weekend special by seeing the play.
19th & 20th April 7.45pm @ The Limelight Theatre,
Queens Park Centre, Aylesbury