Online Survey Seeking Views To Improve Support For Victims of Crime

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is seeking views of victims of crime and abuse to help inform possible options for the future commissioning of services.

The anonymous survey covers areas such as feedback on current support for victims including the PCC’s Victims First service, access and potential barriers to support, and gaps in services.

The output from the survey will help inform how services can be improved to better meet victims’ needs, identify gaps in provision and potentially how services can work better together to improve the experience of victims as a whole.

The survey is seeking a wide range of views to help address the differing needs of Thames Valley’s diverse communities.  Victims are encouraged to complete the survey regardless of whether or not they have chosen to access support in the past, reported the crime to the police, or gone through the Criminal Justice System.

For a chance to help shape future service delivery, please complete the survey here.

Responses will remain anonymous and confidential.  The survey will close at 12pm on 6 April.

If you are not able to complete the survey online, please call the OPCC on 01865 541957 or email and we will send you a paper copy for completion.