Pebble Brook School boarding future to be decided – Statement of Clarification
The County Council wishes toclarify that the press release (PR9786)issued last week relating to the current consultation on closing the boarding facility at Pebble Brook School, Aylesbury was sent in error.The County Council apologises to the school for any confusion caused.
The correct version is published below which includes a revised date for the proposed closure.
School boarding future to be decided
A formal consultation has started to get public feedback about a proposal to close the boarding accommodation at Pebble Brook School, Aylesbury. The four-week statutory ‘representation’ period follows a public consultationlast September, which drew 84 responses.
The school caters for children who have a range of Special Educational Needs. Buckinghamshire County Council proposes to close the boarding accommodation at the end of the Summer term inJuly 2018.
Mike Appleyard, Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, said that if, at the end of the representation period, he decided the accommodation should close, the County Council would ensure suitable alternative provision for those who presently board.
During the representation period, which closes on January 31, the County Council invites letters of support, comment or objection to be sent to School Commissioner, Andrew Tusting at County Hall, Aylesbury, HP20 1UZ, or emailed to