Perfect Launch Day for Bucks County Museum summer re-opening on 30 July

It was smiles all round at Bucks County Museum for our grand reopening after closing for lockdown back in March. We couldn’t have hoped for a more perfect start to our programme of summer events. We had wonderful sunshine, lovely locals visiting the garden for tea and cake, and a group of very relaxed yoga participants with instruction by the fabulous Laila from The Fitness Garden.

The day marked the start of a summer programme on selected  days offering Yoga, mindfulness, open gardens and family crafts all taking place in the Museum’s popular Victorian walled garden on selected days. Our open gardens continue on Thursday afternoons (6th, 13th Aug & 3rd Sept) with pop-up mini events, such as art and mindfulness. We are also excited to announce that our Family Fun Garden Explorer sessions (Fridays and Saturdays)  start on 14 August and include the Bank Holiday 31 August. Visitors need to pre-book these family dates on our web site from 1st August and the admission is by donation to the Museum.

The re-opening summer programme has been supported by Heart of Bucks Community Foundation with a grant of just under £5000 to help make this programme possible and to support local communities and charities with members in need,  who have been seriously impacted by lockdown.

Sue Shave, Museum Director said “I am delighted that the museum has re-opened today to welcome back our local community. We know that everyone has found lockdown difficult and the Museum can help by offering a haven of tranquility, as well as exciting adventure with our amazing explorer family programme to get everyone out in the fresh air enjoying museum collections in the beautiful surroundings of the museum garden.  We are very grateful to Heart of Bucks for helping to make it possible to open for some of the summer”

On 20th August we will be honouring our local Covid-19 heroes with a garden-party cream tea, and on 27th August we will be doing the same to thank our own volunteers, who have been unable to work with us and whom we have greatly missed.

Sue Shave

Museum Director

Bucks County Museum