Pokemon Stop Look and Listen!

On Tuesday afternoon (20 September) between about 4 and 5 we were driving through the village and a group of about 7 young boys, maybe 9 – 12 years of age were looking for Pokemon and crossing the road without looking by No. 2 Pound Street.

Seconds later my husband turned into the Shoulder of Mutton and just missed two of them. He wound down the window and said ‘take care lads’ and was given a not too pleasant response and ignored.

We saw them cross the road without looking on three occasions and two of them jumped down the bank from the Shoulder of Mutton onto the Station approach and straight into the road there. It’s just an accident waiting to happen, so if any parents know that their children go Pokemon spotting after school can they please instil in them to look and listen, the old way of crossing the road!!

Concerned of Wendover!!