RAF Freedom of the Vale Parade

RAF Halton held a Parade to celebrate their Freedom of the Vale of Aylesbury in Wendover on Sunday 14 May, starting at 11am. The Station Commander Group Captain James Bradshaw, Lord Lieutenant Sir Henry Aubrey-Fletcher and Lord of the Manor Sarah Potter were in attendance to take the salute. Politicians including David Lidington (former MP and current candidate), County Councillor Steve Bowles, District Councillor Peter Strachan, Parish Council Chairman Tom Walsh and other Parish Councillors also attended along with many members of the public.

The Parade was inspected then a Puma helicopter performed a flypast and the Station Commander greeted the crowds. The Parade was then dismissed and paraded in Dobbins Lane, the High Street and Aylesbury Road before the final dismissal.

Wendover Parish Council invited the Parade and guests to a reception at the Royal British Legion.

Photos can be seen by clicking here

Short videos, click on title:

  1. Freedom Parade arrives at Manor Waste
  2. Flypast Inspection Freedom
  3. Freedom Parade is dismissed from Manor Waste
  4. Freedom Parade marches in and out of Dobbins Lane
  5. Freedom Parade marches down High Street (first section supplied by Councillor Sheila Bulpett)
  6. Final dismissal of Freedom Parade