RAF Halton Museums one of the top three Places to visit in Aylesbury Vale
The Trenchard Museum and James McCudden Flight Heritage Centre, both at RAF Halton, have won a mention as being one of the Top Three Places to Visit in the Aylesbury Vale.
The Museum, which is run exclusively by volunteers, houses memorabilia which tells the history of Royal Air Force Halton and the Aircraft Apprentice scheme which made its name famous in world-wide aviation. You can try your hand at landing an aircraft in the Flight Centre which houses three historic simulators as well as its modern one.
The Volunteers also runCool Aeronauticsevents. These areSTEM(Science, Technology, Maths and Mathematics) sessions which enable hundreds of local schoolchildren to spend a day enjoying a number of hands-on engineeringand aviation related exercises, sponsored by the Royal Aeronautical Society.
For more information please go to the museum’s website:www.trenchardmuseum.org.uk
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