Rennie Grove Trustee named by NHS as one of its most influential nurses

Rennie Grove Hospice at Home trustee Pippa Nightingale has been named as one of the top 70 most influential nurses and midwives in the past 70 years as part of the NHS’s 70th anniversary celebrations.

Pippa is Chief Nurse and Director of Midwifery based at Chelsea & Westminster NHS Foundation Trust, and is also a CQC specialist advisor. She and her family have been local supporters of Rennie Grove for many years.

The list recognises and celebrates inspirational nurses and midwives from the birth of the NHS in 1948 to the present day. It has been compiled by a team led by Professor Jane Cummings, Chief Nursing Officer for England, on behalf of the UK Chief Nursing Officers in partnership with Nursing Standard magazine and its publishers, RCNi.

In a piece on the Chelsea and Westminster Hospitals website, Pippa said: “It’s a huge honour to be named as one of the 70 most influential nurses and midwives since 1948 – but all nurses and midwives make their own personal positive difference to patients, woman and babies. A career in nursing and midwifery is incredibly rewarding. I think it is something you need to experience to understand.”

Pippa joined the Rennie Grove board of trustees last year, saying: “I decided to become a trustee because I feel I have had a privileged and exciting career in the NHS and as a Senior Nurse Leader and I would like to give my time and clinical expertise to a very worthy organisation which makes such a difference to many people and their families in the last few days and weeks of their lives.”

Pippa’s daughter is also committed to the Rennie Grove cause and has taken part in fundraising events for her Duke of Edinburgh Award. Her husband has also got involved, completing the Cycle Challenge.

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