Road Farm Countryways CIC

Thank you so much to all who helped and who visited us on National Open Farm Sunday (7th June): we had over 300 people and a lovely afternoon, hearing Skylarks, walking through the meadow, being careful not to disturb our Barn Owls and watching the sheep-dog at work.

Many involved in Wendover Scouting are familiar with visiting Road Farm (on the Wendover edge of Great Missenden), from Beavers visiting the lambs, Cubs doing bush-craft and archery, to Scouts or Explorers occasionally camping. It’s the working farm you pass through on the Chiltern Marylebone line, perhaps spotting calves or other livestock on the way.

In May 2014 we registered Road Farm Countryways Community Interest Company, a not-for-profit social enterprise whose passion is sharing the living countryside with others. We enjoy the facilities of the beautiful working farm to give opportunities for learning new skills and enable better health and self-confidence. We’ve welcomed people with learning disabilities, Schools, Scouts, Guides and other social or family groups. Visits need to be pre-arranged, with small, Care Farming groups on Tuesdays or Thursdays for those with individual needs getting involved.

However, we’re not just farm based and in the autumn, we took our fostered donkeys Joey & Shankydd to visit elderly residents of Woodlands Park across the valley. At Christmas they visited Lee Common School Christmas Fair, co-starred in Wendover Free Church’s outdoor nativity and have since enjoyed Palm Sunday in St Peter & St Paul’s, become Halton Scout Troup’s mascots (look up Road Farm Ramblings on Face-Book for more) and joined Lindengate’s special Spring Fair.

Several local organisations and individuals would love to benefit from visiting the Farm, but cannot due to our current limited single toilet facility. This we are changing ASAP, making a super disabled access toilet along with more for school groups, BUT we need help fundraising and volunteers! Support would be greatly appreciated, so please do visit our website or speak to Wendy to find out more, or buy a Terrific Toilets raffle ticket!

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