Stamp of approval for Aylesbury Woodlands

Buckinghamshire Advantage is delighted with the decision earlier this month by Buckinghamshire Council to give the green light to the outline planning application for the Aylesbury Woodlands development.

Aylesbury Woodlands, part of the Buckinghamshire Enterprise Zone, is an extensive site to the east of Aylesbury, where a major new mixed use urban extension will be delivered. The development will include commercial premises, strategic road infrastructure, housing and sports and leisure facilities.

The decision by Buckinghamshire Council’s Strategic Sites Planning Committee on 7th April 2022, and issue of the formal Planning Decision Notice on 14th April 2022, follows an extensive programme of work, including community and stakeholder engagement in the evolution of this innovative mixed-use proposal.

Richard Harrington, Managing Director of Buckinghamshire Advantage, said: “We are delighted with the granting of the outline planning consent for Aylesbury Woodlands. We now have the opportunity to progress the delivery of this important development to help plug gaps in infrastructure provision, grow jobs, build a sustainable community and enhance access to open space and new community facilities. In this respect Aylesbury Woodlands is both highly complementary and distinct from previous Aylesbury Major Development Areas and it will support the wider growth of the Garden Town.”

Richard added: “In addition, the design and delivery of the Eastern Link Road (South) through the Woodlands scheme is a key element of the master plan. The road, together with the northern section of the Eastern Link Road will improve north-south connections by providing the missing link between the A41 and the A418. It will also provide part of a bigger orbital route to the east and south of Aylesbury, which meets with the Councils’ strategic highway aspirations for the town’s transport infrastructure.”

Aylesbury Woodlands is intended to be a high-quality sustainable scheme designed to deliver green infrastructure – with 50% of the site green and open. It will offer mixed land uses with the provision of commercial premises to facilitate employment growth, leisure and sports opportunities to promote health and well-being and housing, including ‘custom-build’ and affordable homes.

The Aylesbury Woodlands site is bounded to the south by the A41. To the north is the Grand Union Canal; to the east is Symmetry Park and the Arla dairy. To the west is the existing urban edge of Aylesbury, including the residential area of Broughton. The site covers an area of approximately 200 hectares (500 acres).

The proposed commercial area – on the eastern part of the Aylesbury Woodlands site – was granted Enterprise Zone status in November 2015.  The Buckinghamshire Enterprise Zone will help unlock significant private and national investment – for further details please refer to the Buckinghamshire Enterprise Zone website at: In addition, Aylesbury Woodlands will work in harmony with the ambitions of Aylesbury Garden Town.

In order to ensure the least amount of disruption and the smooth delivery of Aylesbury Woodlands, Buckinghamshire Local Enterprise Partnership have been working closely with partner organisations, including local developers for sites such as Kingsbrook and Hampden Fields, to ensure a coordinated approach to mitigating the cumulative impact these developments will have on the local area.

Master planners, ecology, landscape, heritage, drainage, transport, air quality and noise specialists have all contributed to the Aylesbury Woodlands scheme. For further details and latest updates please refer to the Aylesbury Woodlands website at: