Station Clean-Up Day at RAF Halton

With the permission of the Station Commander, Group Captain Adrian Burns, the Station Warrant Officer, WO Jake Alpert, organised a Station Clean-Up Day. The intention was to improve the appearance of areas of the Station whilst encouraging team spirit throughout the Whole Force.

On the day, the weather was kind and very quickly the Station was a buzz of painting, cleaning and good old ‘spit and polish’. Everyone worked hard but particular credit must be given the Service Personnel Awaiting Trade Training, their youthful enthusiasm was quite infectious. After a short period of training many proved themselves adept at painting walls and kerb stones. One old sage who witnessed the airmen painting in the area of Maitland Parade Square was heard muttering: “It’s just like the good old days at Halton”.

After the Clean-Up Day all the participants were invited the Warrant Officer’s & Sergeant’s Mess where they were rewarded with some much deserved refreshments.