Summer drink drive campaign provides timely ‘Morning After’ reminder

During the summer months – when alcohol consumption tends to rise – drivers are being urged to remain wary of the dangers of ‘morning after’ drink-driving.

Department for Transport statistics show that, since 2015, 20% of people convicted of drink-driving have been caught the morning after.

Transport for Bucks (TfB) will be working with Thames Valley Police and Bucks Fire & Rescue to promote the 2019 ‘Morning After’ summer drink drive campaign and the use of the Morning After app.  The campaign reminds drivers that it takes a lot longer for alcohol to pass through the body than most think – and highlights the risk of unwittingly driving while still over the limit the morning after drinking alcohol.

County Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Transportation Mark Shaw, said: “We hope that by supporting this summer drink drive campaign we can provide information to help drivers understand the risks and how long it can take before you are safe to drive.

“If you’re intending to drive the next morning, it’s best not to drink at all – it takes a lot longer than most people imagine for the body to process alcohol. On average it takes about one hour per unit of alcohol, but this can vary depending on a number of factors including weight, age, gender, and medications. You can find out more about this by using the Morning After app.

“So enjoy those parties, BBQs and weddings during the summer months, but please be aware of how much you drink and how long it takes before you are safe and legal to drive.”

To download the ‘Morning After’ calculator app and for more information about the campaign visit: