Take part in conversations about the future of adult social care in Buckinghamshire
In response to nation-wide planned Adult Social Care Reforms in October 2023, the Council have established the Social Care Reforms Programme to plan how is best to respond to some changes to adult social care.
These changes will impact how people experience adult social care.
So, as part of the programme the Council want to talk to key stakeholders of adult social care – whether that’s people who provide it, organise it, experience it or manage it.
They are looking to people to talk to about their experience of adult social care so that they can fully understand the current experience of residents and how this could be impacted by the reforms.
It requires no prior knowledge of the reforms – it’s mainly focused around how people experience adult social care.
The conversations will happen throughout June.
Please see the attached letter from the Social Care Reforms Programme (link below). Please circulate this letter to local residents who may want to take part in a conversation that helps us understand their current experience and shapes how the council will respond to these future changes to social care.
Adult Social Care Conversations with Buckinghamshire Council
Please direct any questions to ASCreforms@buckinghamshire.gov.uk